
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

DC Water announces proposal to "scale back sewage storage tunnels" -- not sure what impact this might have on Bloomingdale -- stay tuned

See this tweet from Washington Post reporter Mike DeBonis:

I don't see anything Bloomingdale-related.

Big deal: has unveiled proposal today to scale back sewage storage tunnels in favor of 'green development'

See this post from Washington City Paper's Aaron Wiener:

DC Water Proposal Would Swap Tunnels for Green Infrastructure


  1. So they have eliminated the tunnel that would have been near one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the city (20008 zip code) and west of the park but over hear in Bloomingdale that can't do the same?

    1. If every house in Bloomingdale, Park View, Stronghold, etc, had a rain barrel, pervious pavers, rain graders, every form of LID.... I don't think that would keep the sewers from overflowing during a heavy rain. Some environmentalists, who want to keep sewage out of waterways, are opposed to this plan. Comment period is open.

    2. Sorry, I don't believe it cause no effort was made to go that way. All they want to do is to move forward with their massive contract and tunnel away
