
Monday, January 20, 2014

Bloomingdale resident Barrie Daneker: "Neighbors For McMillan"

See this 01-20-2014 message from Bloomingdale resident Barrie Daneker:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am writing to fill you in on Neighbors For McMillan, a new group of us local community members who have come together to support redevelopment of the McMillan plant. By now – you may have seen the “Create McMillan Park” signs popping up around the neighborhood or heard talk of upcoming house parties and events.

While I am speaking only for myself and not officially representing Neighbors For McMillan – I can say that the intent of our group is in fact to speak with a collective voice about plans for local redevelopment. We have FINALLY come together as an official group of many residents immediately surrounding the site who are excited about a huge, 8 acre new park and community center and grocery store and retail and jobs and much-needed housing, for starters.

For too long now, opponents of any redevelopment – or those who foolishly think that creating a park on the entire space is remotely financially feasible – have been bullying this community, taking over the conversation and misrepresenting the views of the larger community. And to add intensity – and negativity - to the situation – a national group of Ralph Nader supporters who oppose development across the country and just finished fighting the revitalization of a library in the District, now appear to have joined forces with “Friends of McMillan.” They are not from this community, they do not represent our views and they are using our little community to wage a much larger special-interest battle.

While there are many good people who oppose redevelopment here for whatever reason – and they have every right to do so – Neighbors For McMillan has formed to make this conversation local again – to make it about what is best for our community – about what the majority of people who live here want.

I myself would like a fresh breath of air in this community. I would like new shops and restaurants. A new grocery store in walking distance. A cool, large park to run around and in – complete with all of the views of the City that we love. I, and I think many Neighbors For McMillan, would like to stop all the infighting and misleading – and work together to bring the best development here.

I hope this is a good start at explaining our group. If you also support new, exciting things for our community and are ready to stop all the nastiness – send me an email at I’ll get you a sign and let you know about upcoming events and opportunities to make a difference.  Also like us on Facebook at Neighbors-For-McMillan and follow us on Twitter @OurNewPark. Or – just let me know that you would like to receive email updates.  OR you can just tell me to shove it. Whatever your choice – I look forward to everything we can accomplish together.


Barrie Daneker

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