
Monday, January 06, 2014

message from "Neighbors for McMillan"

See this message from neighborhood resident Malcolm Kenton:

From: Neighbors For McMillan <>
Date: January 6, 2014 at 12:21:36 PM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Neighbors for McMillan
You are receiving this email because you have expressed support in the past for redevelopment of the McMillan Sand Filtration Plant. If you do not support redevelopment or would prefer not to receive occasional email communication from your neighbors who do – please let us know and we will remove you from our list immediately.

We are writing today as Neighbors for McMillan. We are local residents excited for new development that will bring both parks and open space to our community, but also the convenience of new, local retail and restaurants. We want to benefit from the millions of tax dollars this will bring to our area and we want our friends and families to benefit from the thousands of new jobs that will be created. We want to stroll along Olmsted Walk, watch our children play in the fountains and experience the history of the underground cells through memorialization tours and exhibits. We want to experience integrated public art, walk to a high-end grocery store and settle into affordable, local senior housing when the time is right.

Over time, opponents of any redevelopment of the site – or those who have very specific ideas for redevelopment (some less feasible or realistic than others) have become very divisive, resorting to misinformation and negative tactics. Their unrealistic and sometimes misinformed demands could keep the site fenced up for the foreseeable future, preventing this community from realizing any of the benefits of redevelopment. In fact, the Washington City Paper recently called the opposition’s rallying cry, “Save McMillan Park” the “most misleading slogan” of the year.

It is time that local residents took back control. It is time for us to stand up and make our collective voices heard both with new residents, misinformed neighbors, elected officials and other appointed decision-makers in this process.

If you are ready for the non-constructive bickering to end and new, beneficial reuse to begin, we hope you will join us as a Neighbor for McMillan!

How you can help:
1. For starters, put a “Create McMillan Park” sign in your yard. Just reply to this email with your address and someone will drop one off.
2. Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay updated on breaking news and receive action alerts.
3. Let us know that you are a Neighbor for McMillan. We won’t spam you – but we will keep you informed of the most relevant and impactful upcoming hearings and opportunities to make your voice heard.
4. Host a house party. Vision McMillan Partners has agreed to attend and present at every house party we can organize to educate the community. If you are interested in engaging and informing your neighbors, let us know and we will connect you with their team who can help you organize and plan.
5. Forward this message to all of your friends and neighbors who support new opportunities for our community!
TOGETHER, we can make a difference for our community! We look forward to hearing from you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
Your Neighbors For McMillan
p.s. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates and action alerts.
p.p.s. Get your “Create McMillan Park” sign. Send an email to with your address and someone will deliver.

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