
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SAT 8 FEB: Strengthening Partnership in Intimate Relationships: A Workshop in Applied Nonviolent Communications (NVC) at Samsara House 202

Subject: SAT 8 FEB: Strengthening Partnership in Intimate Relationships: A Workshop in Applied Nonviolent Communications (NVC) at Samsara House 2023
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 15:59:04 -0500

Strengthening Partnership in Intimate Relationships
A Workshop in Applied Nonviolent Communications (NVC)
Facilitated by Mali Parke and Ryan McAllister of Core to Coeur
at Samsara House 2023 in Bloomingdale, D.C.

Saturday, February 8, 10:00 - 5:00pm  
Registration: or Check or Paypal to
Twitter: @samsarahouse
Questions: 202-505-0735 (Samsara House 2023) | 202-257-3376 (Mali)

Intimate relationships come in all shapes and sizes. And healthy intimacy can be challenging – involving authenticity, profound vulnerability, encountering strong feelings, difficult conversations, and perhaps the most important decisions in our lives.

This experiential workshop aims to support participants in:
•   increasing their ability to listen clearly and openly, and speak authentically and vulnerably
•   discerning underlying sensitivity and messages behind the surface of stories, judgments, and opinions.
•   strengthening capacity to hear hard-to-hear messages
•   understanding and evaluating hidden assumptions
•   broadening awareness of expectations and beliefs around relationships
•   owning one’s own feelings and needs while witnessing with care those of others
•   making doable, powerful requests to increase voluntary cooperation
•   identifying and connecting across differences in relationship style
•   creating a quality and depth of connection in relationships that are based on trust and intentional choices
•   having a set of tools for engaging with conflict

In this highly interactive workshop, we’ll use a combination of brief explanations of principles and tools, open questions, discussion, and role-playing to support each other in learning. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring questions or situations that are on their minds.

Who is this workshop intended for?

We understand that there is a wide range of ways to approach and envision relationships.
This day-long exploration is for people who want the intimacy in their relationships to be founded on listening, empathic communication, and clear honesty.
The relationships themselves might be romantic, familial, or friendly, as well as conventional or non-conventional in any way. All who find this intention appealing are welcome, including single people, and those whose relationship partners are not attending.
We will create a safe container to explore and be with real examples and/or use role-plays to enhance experiential understanding.

What kinds of challenges is this workshop helpful for?

Staying self-connected and holding out connection for another person can be challenging at many moments, including when
•      presenting an invitation to enter into a relationship
•      one is learning something new about themselves
•      facing a life-changing event or decision
•      navigating naturally occurring phases in a relationship
•      building deeper connection in an existing relationship
•      sharing about what we want and listening to what another wants
•      changing the nature of existing relationships (“breaking up”, moving in, separating, the transition from parent-child to a more peer-like relationship, etc.)

Saturday February 8th, 2014
One hour lunch break
(either potluck or BYO or a walk in the neighborhood will get you plenty of options)

Hosted by Samsara House 2023
36 R Street NW
Washington DC 20001

Street parking.
Metro: NoMa New York Ave Red line or Shaw Green line stop, or get off at Chinatown and take the P6 to Randolph Rd or the 80 to Lincoln and R Street NE (both stops 1 block from R Street NW).


Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of varied financial circumstances or needs. When thinking about what to contribute, we suggest you consider balancing your own financial need, the value of the workshop to you, the care and work it takes to create and deliver the workshop, and how the contributions support our families. Please inquire with Mali directly if you would like further support in deciding what to contribute.

Suggested Value: $115-140

Consider bringing a friend or partner at any level of contribution – as well as supporting us in scheduling the space and efficacy of this workshop by registering preferably before 02/01/2014.
Forms of Payments Accepted:
Check or Paypal at

To Register
Contact Mali at or 202-257-3376

About the Facilitators
Mali and Ryan have enjoyed offering workshops together for three years in the DC area.  They both met through the Parent Peer Leadership Program year-long training and have since both assisted and offered many trainings with Capital NVC and the annual NVC summer Camp, Family HEART Camp. They are excited at the opportunity of working together again in a day-long format with you all.
Mali Parke is an ICF Certified Professional Coach who works with individuals, families and teams who are looking to live life from a fuller, more joyful and empowered presence as well as increase collaboration and partnership in their relationships. Mali is a candidate for certification with the Center for Nonviolent Communication and 2014 assistant to the year-long North American NVC Leadership Program that she completed herself in 2012. Mali’s work and offers can be found at and
Ryan McAllister serves as a Research Assistant Professor at Georgetown University where he studies experimental biophysics and the bioethics of U.S. maternity care. Ryan has facilitated more than 200 workshops and support group meetings on relationships, parenting, and communication. He is also the devoted parent of a young woman with a rare genetic translocation. Some of his work can be seen at and

About Samsara House 2023

 "Samsara House 2023" at 36 R Street NW is an Awareness-based shared community space where world-shifting communities are meshworked to experience and spread what's emerging.  Samsara House 2023 rapidly prototypes models for the new world to ignite a revolution in consciousness within ten years.

Samsara House 2023’s strategy is to exemplify a gift-economy over the current market economy, one that values giving over having. While all events cost at least one dollar to cover utilities, any additional contribution made will go towards periodically giving half back to a socially responsible organization or cause in need in the community that you also help identify. Going together as a river, we build a thriving community of communities and pave the way for a new world. Samsara House 2023 is a Holacracy powered organization founded by Cullen Kowalski at a row house in Bloomingdale, New Washington, D.C.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller 

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi

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