
Monday, January 13, 2014

Scientific American: DC Water adapts to global warming -- Bloomingdale mentioned

A neighbor spotted this Scientific American article on DC Water. 

The DC Water CleanRivers project is mentioned.

And Bloomingdale is specifically mentioned.

Click on the title below to read the entire article.


Washington, D.C. Water Utility Adapts to Global Warming

Despite partisan bickering in the federal government, the local utility is busy preparing to protect lawmakers from future sea level rise


  1. An unfunded engineer discovered the two primary drivers of average global temperatures that explain the reported up and down measurements since before 1900 with 90% accuracy and provide credible estimates back to 1610.

    The science is settled, CO2 change is NOT one of the drivers.

  2. i thought part if not all of the problem here was more about the very old and probably not-big-enough pipes for all the new users in Bloomingdale due to the increased density (condos, pop-ups, shared houses) and the paved over yards and lots adding to street flow....
