
Friday, January 31, 2014

Vision McMillan Partners reports that ANC 5A voted unanimously to support Phase 1 of the McMillan Planned Unit Development (PUD)

Subject: Thank you!
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:43:36 +0000

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We are pleased to report that ANC5A voted unanimously Wednesday to support Phase 1 of the McMillan PUD.

Thank you to all of the residents who attended and voiced your support, thank you to Chairman Ronnie Edwards for giving us some time to share updates with the commission and thank you to Councilman Kenyan McDuffie, who conveyed at the meeting a clear vision for McMillan – one that generates jobs for residents, creates a walkable community and gives rise to a world-class, 8-acre park. Your collective support and work with us on this project is what will make it great.

Finally, congratulations to all ANC 5A officers on re-election to their positions for 2014: Frank Wilds, Grace Lewis, Adrian Jordan, Ronnie Edwards, Sandi Washington and Angel Alston.

For those of you who have not yet had an opportunity to join members of the VMP team for project updates, or if you have thoughts about the redevelopment that you would like to share, there are more opportunities next week to catch up.

VMP Community Conversations: Next Week

Monday, February 3
Bates Area Civic Association – 7pm @ Mt. Sinai Church
Stronghold Civic Association – 7pm @ All Nations Baptist Church

Thursday, February 6
ANC 1B Meeting – 7pm @ Reeves Center Large Conference Room

Saturday, February 8
Pleasant Plains Civic Association – 12pm @ Banneker Recreation Center

We look forward to seeing you next week.

PS - You should be receiving our fact sheet and infographic in the mail any day now. Please be in touch with any thoughts or questions, and be sure to return the support card if you would like to get involved!


Tania Jackson
Vision McMillan Partners

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McMillan Sand Filtration site today
Envision McMillan
If you haven’t seen it, now is a good time to check out our Vision Video.
Copyright © 2014 Vision McMillan Partners, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have expressed interest in getting updates related to Vision McMillan Partner's plan to transform the McMillan property into a model 21st century community.

Our mailing address is:
Vision McMillan Partners
1508 U St, NW
WashingtonDC 20009


  1. This is news?

    These people will not have to deal with the tens of thousands of cars that will be racing up and down First Street in Bllomingdale.

    Much like the authors of this unimaginative over-development who live in Bethesda, they could care less about traffic jams in the heart of Bloomingdale. This development team, when asked about their plan to manage the ten-fold increase in traffic in Bloomingdale, said that their secret talks with DC government included the option of putting timed traffic lights down First Street. So, if you like the charm of North Capitol Street, you will love EYA's "Vision" of the new and improved First Street which will feature thousands of new cars racing down First street to catch the next light.

    When this project was first proposed, everyone in Bloomingdale was asking why the City would approve such density in a non-Metro area. After being handed millions by the City, EYA and the development team have done NOTHING to address this most fundamental concern.

    What do they care? Like Ronnie Edwards and the people who live in ANC5a, they won't be sitting in traffic jams. This is why folks in Bloomingdale need to pay more attention.

    We are the ones having this shoved down our throat and we are the ones who will have to absorb the tens of thousands of new cars racing through our neighborhood.

    I guess the farther you away, the more support EYA's plan for Bloomingdale.

    1. Wrong again Mr Kirk! Maybe if you don't like the traffic increase you should give up ur car and walk. better yet move to McMillan where you can live near a park, hospital, food store and services

    2. Mr Kirk...."tens of thousands of new cars racing through our neighborhood' Did you forget you live in a city of >600?. Front Royal has some lovely homes you may want to consider.

      First of all, very little racing can occur between stop signs and stop lights. 2nd the police will make easy picking of people who do choice to "race" up and down the streets or run stop signs. Plus we have this really cool thing called speed cameras, red light cameras and even new ones to make sure you don't block the box. I would love to see more revenue in cities pockets for those who are "racing" up and down 1st st. 3rd, they have plenty of support right here in the neighborhood, note the "Create McMillian" signs throughout the neighborhood. 4th, it isn't possible to make 1st st like N. Capitol due to lack of actual car lanes. You went from 4 lanes to 2 lanes, not including access lanes, and you think it is going to look like N. Capitol? Little bit of an over exaggeration don't you think.

  2. Here are addresses of ANC5a folks:

    5A01 Frank Wilds 5016 Eastern Avenue, NE
    Washington, DC 20017
    5A02 Grace J. Lewis 4945 Sargent Road, NE
    Washington, DC 20017
    5A03 Adrian T. Jordan 4618 S. Dakota Avenue, NE
    Washington, DC 20017
    5A04 vacant
    5A05 Ronnie Edwards 122 Michigan Avenue, NE Apt L24
    Washington, DC 20017 558-6389
    5A06 Jasmine N. White 4530 Fort Totten Drive NE
    Washington, DC 20011 904-1919
    5A07 Sandra "Sandi" Washington 32 Buchanan Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20011
    5A08 Angel Sherri Alston 4720 7th Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20017

    1. Thanks for urban rational thinking ANC5A you have my support!

  3. I bet EYA, in addition to Ronnie Edwards, can entice folks in Montana to support this as well.

    1. So you're moving then to Montana! GREAT!

    2. It's funny Mr. Kirk... I see a lot of green "Create McMillan Park" signs within a few blocks of the Sand filtration site when I step out of my front door. I find it a bit offensive that opponents of development try to paint anyone who disagrees with them as not caring for the neighborhood, or being financially beholden to the developer.

      I may disagree with your opinions, Mr. Kirk. But I don't run around saying you hate Bloomindale because of them. You are not the only one trying to do what's best for the community.

  4. Mr Kirk is just so wrong it's those narrow minds that have kept DC and it's residents divide and down! Note Mr Kid's lack of public service but his loud and uneducated voice on this issue

  5. Can long time residents and AND commissioners all be wrong? Unanimous vote! Sounds clear to me that residents and our officals are in step on making McMillan a great addition to DC!

    Create McMillan Park!

  6. We can make this happen, we can conserve this place, just as Sen. McMillan planned for us, are you so brainwashed that EYA/VMP is the only way to "move forward in DC".
    Sorry I just believe the DC govt. has made such a miserable disaster here, the flooding, the waste of tens of millions, and we need parks, we can have the entire 113 acre reservoir site opened up for us, to jog, walk, like a real city. And exttend this into AFRH, and Howard U. just like a real city where people matter. Richmond, Philly, NY, maybe your home town needs EYA/VMP?
    Would the flooding of human sewage in the basements in Kalorama have waited 30 years for mitigation? Why in the world would you support this miserable embarrassment, called the DC govt.. go ahead keep supporting them, the ones not in prison yet. You are so scared to do anything for yourself, you let felons, embezzlers, and inbred incumbent hacks, elected by massive fraud to guide the future of DC. With this misguided government support, we are in real trouble here!
    We need parks, we have McMillan Historic District Park, it's only your cynicism and other VMP supporters who are making this hard. JOIN US,,,why in the world would you let the DC govt. continue destroying the environment, the trees, parks, and taking our taxes to spend on their privileged constituents in upper NW.
    Friends, a less SICK govt. would have re-planted McMillan in 1986, not wasted $250,000 a year on pollution for mowing this lawn,and a lush grove of trees would now be 100 feet, shading our picnics, and creating cool breezes as you enjoy a stroll to see the Autumn sunset. You can make this possible or you can help the hacks destroy it with the wrecking ball, and then suffer endless construction(good for the Chesapeake Bay!). Do you like heavy equipment exhaust fumes, with your support of VMP , you'll be breathing heavy equipment exhaust fumes for 15 years, a bargain! You get what you ask for, just get it straight in your yuppie mind and you'll figure it out, just don't wait ,,let''s do this now.
