
Friday, February 21, 2014

Bloomingdale resident Malcolm Kenton available as writing tutor to neighborhood students and professionals

Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 17:47:46 -0500
Subject: Available as writing tutor to neighborhood students & professionals

Experienced Writing Tutor/Proofreader Available in Bloomingdale/Truxton Circle/Bates/Eckington

Bloomingdale resident Malcolm Kenton is available as a writing tutor, assistant or proofreader to students and professionals from middle school upward. He has a bachelor’s degree from a writing-intensive liberal arts college, over ten years of experience as a published writer and over seven years experience as an editor and tutor.

He lives near Florida Avenue and North Capitol Street and is available to tutor within a five-mile radius.He is adept at helping writers say more with less and construct tight, clear, and grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs. 
Malcolm offers the following services:
* Editing / proofreading of papers, essays and other writing assignments, as well as articles for publication, professional letters, and any other type of written work.
* Help with planning and organizing, papers, essays, and assignments (brainstorming, drafting outlines, etc.)
* Editing / proofreading of doctoral dissertations and proposals & masters theses
* Editing of graduate school statements of purpose, personal statements, application essays, recommendation letters, etc.
* Editing and writing help related to business reports, proposals, etc.
Base rate is $60.00 per hour, and free consultations and sample edits are offered
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please email or call (202) 270-0743. 

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