
Friday, February 28, 2014

Save the Date: McMillan Park Fundraiser Party at 410 GoodBuddy gallery - Thursday, 03-27-2014

Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 22:51:13 -0500
Subject: Save the Date: McMillan Park Fundraiser Party at 410 GoodBuddy Gallery - Thurs, 27 Mar 2014

Please publish the following announcement to tomorrow's edition of the listserv and to the blog.

Thank you

Friends of McMillan Park is thrilled to announce a new date and venue for the Save McMillan Park fundraiser cocktail party.
The event will take place on the evening of Thursday, March 27, 2014. Please save the date for this fun-filled affair hosted by our friends at 410 GoodBuddy Gallery located on the border of the Bloomingdale and Shaw neighborhoods at 410 Florida Avenue NW, Washington, DC. The proceeds from this major event will benefit the Save McMillan Park Legal Fund to preserve our community’s historic and important green space.
The evening will include food and drinks from local businesses, talented local artists, presentations from preservation and legal experts, and raffle prizes! Additional details coming soon.
McMillan Park Reservoir Historic District is currently endangered by commercial development that would destroy the park’s majestic underground caverns. Until WWII, the space was used by the DC community at large as a central park for recreation, cultural events, and gathering.
Friends of McMillan Park was founded by community supporters and neighbors who have fought tirelessly to protect McMillan Park since 1989. Our mission is to preserve, restore, and transform historic McMillan Park for the benefit of the public.
Please let us know if you, your business, or your associates would like to join our event Host Committee at the $250 level. Contributions are tax-deductible thanks to our 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor, National Association for Olmsted Parks.
General admission tickets are $100. All proceeds benefit the Save McMillan Park Legal Fund.
For additional information, please contact Kirby Vining at (202) 234-0427(202) 234-0427 or
Facebook event page: 

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