
Sunday, February 16, 2014

upcoming events at Samsara House 2023

Subject: Upcoming Events at Samsara House 2023
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 17:29:08 -0500

Upcoming Events at Samsara House 2023

MON 17 FEB:  Authentic Awakening: Timeless Wisdom in Daily Life with Thomas Hübl

Read more and watch the video:

THU 20 FEB: An Introduction to Waking Down in Mutuality
Read more:

WED 26 FEB: From Democracy to Holacracy: A Better Way Forward

Read more:

FRI 21 FEB : “Be the Change You Seek In The World”: An Intro to Nonviolent Communication (daytime, pre-requisite for 7-Week Series)
Read more:

FRI 21 FEB : Conscious Film Night: "Crazy Wisdom: The Life & Times of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche" (evening event)
Read more:

FRI 28 FEB : “Be the Change You Seek In The World”: A 7-Week Collaborative Communications Series (daytime event, first of the 7-Week Series)
Read more:

SAT 1 MAR: An Introduction to Meditation
 [Send e-mail for details if interested] 

Shift Happens at Samsara House 2023

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