
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Louise Brown: 83-year-old Jesse Jones, last seen at Busboys and Poets and 5th & K St NW; organized search this morning beginning at 9:00 am

See this message from LeDroit Park resident Louise Brown:

This is the missing Jesse Jones.

Alycee Metallo is a worship leader at Mclean Bible church and her father of 83 has dementia and is missing since Tuesday.   She is a dear friend who has now taken a position at the church.   
He  was last seen at Bus Boys and Poets at 5th and K st. N.W.
Please send this out to our community so they can keep a look out.   I so appreciate it.
Here we go :

This is very important. We never know when we'll need help. Please forward to your friends, relatives and associates who work and live in the District.   An organized serach is taking place today beginning at 9am.  Forwarding in case anyone was missed from the general broadcasts.
Please share this post. We need everyone's eyes looking out for this dear man. Tag, tweet, email anyone you know who works or lives in the NW area of DC.
Alyce Metallo has asked for prayer while the police search for her father, Jesse Jones, who has been missing since Tuesday.   Please share the Silver Alert information in the links below with anyone you know in Washington, DC.
Press release:

Louise Brown

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