
Sunday, March 16, 2014

at Big Bear Cafe: Radix Farm CSA drop-off on Thursdays

From:  Jeff Herron
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:48:55 +0000
Subject: [LeDroitPark] Radix Farm is now offering a CSA

Radix Farm is now offering a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) drop in DC, near Ledroit Park.  Members can pick up fresh veggies once a week at Big Bear Cafe.  Sign up today!!  
Complete details on Radix Farm, what is in a share, and more is available at

2014 Radix Farm CSA 

Thursdays, outside of Big Bear Café
1700 1st St NW (at 1st and R st. NW)
5:30pm - 7:00pm
22 weekly deliveries,  June - November
$675 per share

Radix Farm grows over 50 types and hundreds of varieties of vegetables in Upper Marlboro, Maryland just outside the capital beltway, less than 10 miles from Washington, DC. Our farm is Certified Naturally Grown, which means we follow organic practices to grow high quality, diversified produce for our CSA, farmers markets, and restaurants (no synthetic chemicals, no pesticides, no herbicides, and no gmo's). Radix Farm grows on a small-scale and uses sustainable growing methods that enable us to nurture the soil and providing individual attention to the plants and customers.

CSA members receive a weekly share of a wide variety of fresh and seasonal produce. We aim to provide eight items per week, which should sufficiently feed two to four veggie-loving adults (keep in mind that this is completely dependent on your household’s eating habits).  Members pick-up the weekly share between 5:30pm and 7:00pm on their designated day (Tuesday or Thursday) at their designated pick up site. The produce is displayed market-style on tables and members select their share from within the weekly availability.  Farm staff will be at the pick-up site each evening to distribute the share, answer questions, and share recipes.  

How to Sign Up 
1.  Fill out the online 2014 Radix Farm CSA Membership Application

2.  We’ll respond to confirm that we have space for you at your preferred pick-up site and email you the 2014 Member Information Packet, which includes the CSA Member Agreement.

3.  Mail your payment with a signed copy of the CSA Member Agreement (last page of the Member Information Packet) within seven days. If you paying the full amount upfront presents a hardship, we can accept payment in two installments (half now, second half by June 15th) on a limited basis.
Feel free to email or call the farm if you have any questions.

Kristin Carbone

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