
Friday, March 21, 2014

DC Water traffic advisory: 24-hour closure of one eastbound lane on RI Ave between 5th and 6th Street- beginning on Monday, 03-24-3014

Subject: RE: Traffic Advisory: Northeast Boundary Tunnel Construction Brings Lane Closures to Rhode Island Avenue Beginning March 24
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:09:36 +0000

DC Water Contact:
Emanuel D. Briggs
Manager, Community Outreach
(202) 787-2003

March 21, 2014

Traffic Advisory

Northeast Boundary Tunnel Construction Brings Lane Closures to Rhode Island Avenue Beginning March 24
(Washington, DC) – DC Water is performing construction activities on Rhode Island Avenue, NW as part of the Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) portion of the Clean Rivers Project.

Beginning Monday, March 24, 2014 through Friday, March 28, 2014, weather permitting, there will be 24-hour closure of one eastbound lane on Rhode Island Avenue between 5th Street and 6th Street.

Important Information:
§  Traffic signs have been set up throughout the area to alert motorists to the upcoming traffic changes.

  • Some traffic delays within the vicinity of the work zones are anticipated.
  • Parking will be restricted within the work zone.  Accordingly, “No Parking” signs will be posted 72 hours prior to the work, as required by the District Department of Transportation.
  • Noise levels will be closely monitored during construction.

Project Details
DC Water is implementing the Clean Rivers Project which comprises a system of tunnels and diversion sewers for the capture of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to Rock Creek and the Anacostia and Potomac rivers for treatment at DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The entire project will reduce CSOs annually by 96 percent throughout the system and by 98 percent for the Anacostia River alone.


About DC Water
The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water), is an industry leading multi-jurisdictional regional utility that provides drinking water, wastewater collection and treatment to 600,000 residential, commercial and governmental customers in the District of Columbia, 17.8 million annual visitors and also collects and treats wastewater for 1.6 million customers in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties in Maryland and Fairfax and Loudoun counties in Virginia.

DC Water’s service area covers approximately 725 square miles and the company operates the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 370 million gallons per day and a peak capacity of 1.076 billion gallons per day.

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