
Monday, March 31, 2014

from Bloomingdale resident and The Rent Is Too Darn High slate candidate Ed Guerrero

If you are a Bloomingdale resident and are running for public office, you get to have your message posted here at the blog.

From Bloomingdale resident Ed Guerroro, whose name appears on tomorrow's DC Democratic State Committee ballot.  He is running on the The Rent Is Too Darn High slate.

Hi friends,
Tomorrow is election day!  By now you may know that I am running for Committeeman at-Large with The Rent Is Too Darn High, a slate of energetic progressive activists working to bring much-needed change to the DC Democratic State Committee. The Rent is Too Darn High brought together people who represent the richness of our city and with their diverse experiences, backgrounds and shared vision will work to create a more democratic DC. Please visit to learn more about the slate and support Edgardo 'Ed' Guerrero and the rest of the slate on April 1st.  

For polling place information go to
(We still need volunteers at the polls. If you have some time, please go to your closest voting poll and tell voters about the Rent is Too Darn High. If you already voted, thanks, and please make rue your friends vote too). If you need some, I have The Rent is Too Darn High palm cards and stickers to distribute among voters and can get them to you today or tomorrow.
Edgardo 'Ed' Guerrero
PS. Attached is a Washington Hispanic article on Latino candidates.

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