
Monday, March 31, 2014

John Salatti: "I need your vote on Tuesday for DC Democratic State Committee"

Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 19:17:37 -0400
Subject: Fwd:

This Tuesday I need your help.  I am running for Ward 5 Committeeman on the DC Democratic State Committee.  Why am I running?  Because most of the people I've talked with don't even know what the DC Democratic State Committee is.  So I and my slate mates of The Rent is Too Darn High are running as a team to bring DC a Democratic Party with these qualities:
  •  An Open, Honest, & Engaged Democratic Party
  •  A Democratic Party that is easily accessible to all residents, asks for your input, and keeps you up to date on the policy direction the party is taking
  •   A higher standard of accountability & ethics for our elected officials
  •  A Party that works to create affordable housing, generate good jobs aimed at DC residents, advocate for living wages & rally all residents to push for statehood

The RITDH slate offers DC our diverse experiences, backgrounds, and shared vision. Together we will work to create a more democratic DC.  So I also ask you to vote for any of my slate mates that are on your ballot!

Here is the whole slate (although you can only vote for the Ward candidates in your Ward): 


National Committeeman
Mike Panetta

National Committeewoman
Nikki M.G. Lewis
At-Large Committeeman
Sekou Biddle
John Capozzi
Diallo Brooks
Gregory Cendana
Delvone Michael
Ed Guerrero
At-Large Committeewoman
Alexandra Beninda
Veronica O. Davis
Victoria “Vicky” Leonard
Nikisha L. Carpenter
Jasmine Harris
Denise Lopez
Ward 1
Dyana Forester
Steve Lanning
Nick Lepham
Nicole Witenstein
Ward 3
W. Philip Thomas
Ward 4
Warren Brown
Tamara Angela Ferrell
Jessica Pierce
Max Skolnik
Ward 5
Theodora Brown
John Salatti
Joan Shipps
Ward 6
Josh Hart
Andy Litsky
Siam Ofaolain
Naomi Shelton
Thank you for all your help and support.  Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for the DCDSC.  See you at the polls!
John T. Salatti
(202) 986-2592

"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

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