
Thursday, March 27, 2014

"let's make the 'Hi Campaign' part of our daily lives in Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park"

See this message:                        
I would like to thank Maria Fyodorova for her thoughtful comments regarding the "Hi Campaign".  I am a long-term resident of the unit block of T Street.  When we moved to Bloomingdale in the 1980's, it was a different world.  Most of my neighbors whom I knew at that time have either moved out or passed away and on my block only a few are left from that time period.  In those years, we knew almost everyone on the block.  My wife often said it took 20 minutes to walk to the corner because one chatted with neighbors all along the way.  Whether one knew the individuals on the street personally or not, one always greeted each other with a good morning or good evening.
Those days seem like a distant memory.  I ofthen thought it was the change in Washington from a sleepy southern town to being more like a northeastern city such as New York; however, now I think it is likely due to the great influx of young people raised in a different culture.  The older folks on the block always return a greeting or initiate a greeting still; however, the newer ones do not seem to understand the same manners as such.
Perhaps if we all in Bloomingdale and Ledroit make the "Hi Campaign" part of our daily lives, we will all have a more pleasant sojourn in Washington, DC.
-- A long term resident of the unit block of T Street NW.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who infuses "sojourn" into their point of view wins my vote.
