
Friday, March 28, 2014

meet-and-greet at Windows Cafe for John Salatti, candidate for Ward Committeeman for the DC Democratic State Committee -- Saturday, 03-29-2014

Hey, Bloomingdale!

I'm asking for your vote on April 1 as Ward Committeeman for the DC Democratic State Committee.  But if you have ever wondered what the DCDSC is or if you haven't even heard of it before, I will be at Windows Cafe on Saturday the 29th from 4:00 to 6:00 to talk with you about the Committee, my candidacy, your desires for the District, and the slate of people I am a part of:
A slate of Democrats who will bring you
  •       An Open, Honest, & Engaged Democratic Party
  •       A higher standard of accountability & ethics for our elected officials
  •       Affordable Housing, Good Jobs for DC Residents, Living Wages & Statehood

With our diverse experiences, backgrounds and shared vision, together we will work to create a more democratic DC.
Looking forward to seeing you at Windows and thank you for your vote!
John T. Salatti
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

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