
Wednesday, April 09, 2014

11 S Street NW pop-up "keeps growing and growing"

See this tweet and pic:


@ScottRobertsDC It just keeps growing and growing.


  1. is there a way to stop these pop-ups from happening? they're pretty ugly and add to the density of an already dense neighborhood, putting a strain on the limited parking that we have.

    1. Historic designation would do the trick. Although that's easier said than done.

  2. Part of the problem with this particular pop-up is that they continue to do work on Sunday and violate other regulations in DC (e.g. blocked the alley this past Sunday with construction equipment). I've been told that neighbors are calling DCRA but there doesn't appear to be any enforcement or oversight for this project.

    The larger problem in my mind is that the wall which abuts the alley was essentially falling into the alley. They put in one support beam that doesn't appear to fix the issue and stuccoed over it. Definitely a house to make sure people are informed on if you know anyone that looks at it after completion.

  3. This doesnt really look bad. And for gods sake people. Stop complaining about parking. You live in the city. Parking is not a damn right. Also, Bloomingdale has huge plots. Park in the back.

  4. It's hideous. They lopped off the turret, raised the floor on the first level to avoid digging out the basement and shrunk the first floor window so it no longer relates to the other houses on the block. Greedy developers destroying the character and appeal of the neighborhood. And as Mathew said, they hid a SERIOUS structural problem with stucco which leads me to question the quality of the renovation in general. I feel sorry for the prospective buyers.

    1. I did not realize what they were doing inside - I have never heard of raising the floor instead of digging out the basement.

      The most recent permit hints of more to come up top -


  5. I highly recommend working on getting historic designation if you want to preserve the Bloomingdale architecture. It costs some money and takes some time, but is doable. Many people that were against it in the past now support historic designation because they more easily see our well planned part of the city & our beautiful architecture being destroyed much more rapidly. How to get involved? Start by attending your Civic Association meeting and finding out where to start. There will be others willing to help.

    As for this one particular house--everyone should call DCRA to complain--if they truly aren't enforcing the law and this developer/contractor is really working without proper permits, then DCRA may deserve to be flooded with calls as a little community protest:)

  6. Yeah, i contacted the city about a zoning ordinance package to avoid the "nuclear option" of a historic designation status....they said Zoning laws were being reviewed, but the word on the street is that it's not going to do much if anything about popups and not that Jim Graham is out of council, there won't be a champion. So.... I guess Historic designation status OR face a whole bunch of ugly pop ups on our streets? So which will it be people?

    1. Is anyone actually raising this possibility at the ANC meetings?

    2. BCA meetings are probably more appropriate given that you get neighborhood designation.

  7. I called DCRA to complain about the ongoing Sunday construction - they were banging away before 8am this weekend. DCRA told me they'd received complaints, that they contacted the contractor on the 10th about it, and that they'd sent an inspector on the weekend who did not observe any construction taking place. Not sure what more to do with DCRA - rather frustrating.

    1. I'd start videotaping with date stamping and providing to DCRA.

  8. UPDATE:

    This came in from Councilmember McDuffie's office, who I've been working with:

    I have an update to your concern. Please see response below from DCRA:

    DCRA visited 11 S St. on Wednesday, in response to a complaint from the constituent who originally contacted Jeanette. The residents were correct that illegal construction appeared to be taking place, so DCRA issued a Stop Work Order. Consequently, no further work should be taking place at the site at this time. The SWO was issued after this constituent would have contacted you, though.

    For residents who want to report illegal construction, the best number to call is 202-442-STOP (7867).

    If the additional report for 11 S came in yesterday or today, though, please forward that concern onto me as well. I’d want to ensure that the inspector who issued the SWO becomes immediately aware of the new activity.
