
Monday, April 28, 2014

Friends of McMillan Park invite you to gather to demonstrate your support for the denial of VMP's request to have the McMillan site zoned for major development

Note that this event is scheduled for Tuesday, 04-29-2014.

Dear Bloomingdale Community:

I, the Friends of McMillan Park, and other concerned people from nearby communities will be gathering at the corner of Michigan and North Capitol St NW (at the NE corner of McMillan to demonstrate our support for the denial of VMP's request to have McMillan Park zoned for major development.  We recognize that the weather will be uncooperative tomorrow, but we plan to demonstrate anyway (bring rain ponchos and your McMillan signs). 
Come for 30 minutes or an hour or whatever amount of time is convenient for you from 8am til whenever. The cool part about demonstrating other than exercising your right to free speech, is the opportunity to educate commuters who are curious to know where McMillan is and how they will be impacted by this proposed development.

If you cannot come to demonstrate, maybe you are available to testify in person at the Zoning Commission hearings on May 1st, 5th, and 8th?  Here’s what you need to know:  The hearings will take place at 441 4th Street NW, Room 220 South (Metro: Red line, Judiciary Square station).  The zoning Case # is 13-14. Please bring printed copies of your testimony for the Commission if possible.  If you have any questions, please contact or 202.234.0427.   A fourth hearing could also take place on May 13th.

Before the hearings, though, you must submit your testimony. 

Here is how: Go to this web page to create an “IZIS Account” (necessary to submit any documents): . Then go to this page and log in with the login/password you created above: .  Click on “file documents in an existing case,” and then specify case number 13-14, and ‘select’ that case in the next window.   Click ‘choose file’ to select the document on your computer that you wish to submit as your written testimony, then select ‘document type.’ If you oppose the current development plan, you would select ‘Letter in Opposition.’   Your letter should explain your position and why you think McMillan Park should not be zoned to permit high-rise buildings.  Then hit ‘Submit’ and your document should soon be visible in the list of documents for case 13-14 (see instructions above for how to see all documents for these hearings).
Let your voice be heard!
Thanks from your neighbor,
Erin Fairbanks

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