
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

how will Mayor Gray's primary election defeat impact the McMillan redevelopment?

Click on the link to read the entire WBJ article.  I have only copied in a few paragraphs.

Note that Bloomingdale's McMillan Sand Filtration site is mentioned.

Apr 2, 2014, 12:17am EDT UPDATED: Apr 2, 2014, 2:32am EDT

Muriel Bowser wins D.C. Democratic mayoral primary

Washington Business Journal

D.C. Councilwoman Muriel Bowser on Tuesday won the Democratic nomination for mayor over incumbent Vincent Gray, sending Gray into lame duck status for nine months and setting up an unusually long campaign for the District's top elected office.
"Yes, we did it, so let me say thank you to the people of the District of Columbia," Bowser told a crowd packed into the Imagine Public Charter School on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.
Bowser, who succeeded former Mayor Adrian Fenty as the Ward 4 council member in 2007, will face CouncilmanDavid Catania, I-At large, in the November general election. She thanked her supporters for helping her to emerge from a crowded field of Democratic candidates, while calling for unity within the party, including her competitors, ahead of general election.
For Gray, the question becomes what, if anything, he can accomplish between now and January. The D.C. United stadium deal seems to be most at risk, given the skepticism expressed by council members, including Bowser and Catania. 
It is unclear what effect Gray's loss will have on the St. Elizabeths master developer RFP, released this week, or the zoning rewrite, the McMillan redevelopment, the Stevens School project, or the new hospital proposed for St. E's.
"We're not holding anything back," said one top Gray aide, of the coming nine months. Another aide insisted that the administration will not change its course, though he acknowledged that Bowser, as chair of the economic development committee, could deliver fatal blows to any one of several Gray initiatives 

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