
Friday, April 18, 2014

updated McMillan Community Benefits Agreement from the McMillan Advisory Group (MAG)

See this 04-18-2014 message from Bloomingdale resident Mat Bader:

Please let people know that I have posted an updated CBA draft to the MAG website based on conversations last night.
I have also posted documents received from the various civic associations to that same page.
The MAG will be working on the draft via email over the next week and hold another meeting at St. George's Episocal Church this coming Thursday, April 24th, at 7:00 PM. This meeting will be to flesh out dollar values associated with various benefits/amenities, attribute those responsibilities to an entity and funding stream, and determine where in the development phase the benefit/amenity should come online.
As always, folks can direct any comments or questions to me at


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