
Monday, May 19, 2014

John Salatti: "Avoid a crime of opportunity: burglary over the weekend‏"

See this 05-19-2014 message from Bloomingdale resident John Salatti:
I write to alert you to a crime that occurred over the weekend and to encourage everyone to avoid being the victim of a crime of opportunity.  Saturday afternoon someone entered a house on Flagler Place through a window on the first floor.  The window, which is right next to the front door, was open with the screen down.  The criminal pushed the screen in and entered the residence, taking several electronic devices.
This burglary is a real shame, especially considering th
 one of the owners was at home working in the basement at the time the crime took place.  So the takeaways for all of us are
  • ​B​
    e careful about creating crimes of opportunity; make sure that open windows are hard to access, have bars, and/or 
    ​are ​
    not hidden by vegetation.
  • Keep an eye out on one another and 
    ​on ​
    your neighbors' homes.
As it has for the past decade or more, crime in Bloomingdale continues to slide downward (with the occasional blip).  We have done very well this year.  Burglaries in particular are do
n substantially over a year ago.  Let's keep that going by staying vigilant and keeping our eyes open.  Report anything even remotely seems odd or suspicious to MPD via 911.  The police are more than happy to make the judgment whether something that seems out of place is a crime.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
John T. Salatti
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

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