
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bloomingdale resident and author Eric Ham: appearances, articles and an e-book regarding "GOP undergoing tremendous change"

Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 18:09:59 -0500
Subject: The GOP Civil War rages on...
With Eric Cantor's unexpected defeat, the first in the history of any House Majority Leader, the GOP is undergoing tremendous change. Below are my recent media appearances and written analysis on the issue, enjoy!!
AriseTV: The Republican Shakeup
Immediately following Eric Cantor's stunning defeat I offered my analysis on the fallout and what it all means. Click here to view (Note: I'm on at the 15:30 mark)
AriseXchange: Replacing Cantor
On Arise Xchange I examine the ascension of new House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy and what it means for business and immigration reform. Click here to view   (Note: I'm on at the top show)
The Hill Newspaper: Cantor's Defeat Marks New Chapter in GOP Civil War
Here's my latest article on the fallout of Eric Cantor's defeat and what it means for the 2014 midterm elections and possibly the 2016 race for the White House.  Click here to read the article in its entirety.
THE GOP CIVIL WAR: Inside the Battle for the Soul of the GOP
After reading and watching the above and you still need more, feel free to download my bestselling e-book, if you haven't done so already, to learn more about the internal battle plaguing the Republican Party and what it means for national politics and the nation. Visit to learn more.
Eric Ham, Author/Writer

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