
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

McM | Best and Final Amenities offer from Vision McMillan Partners

Note that there are three documents here -- two Word documents and one Excel spreadsheet.

Here is Stronghold resident Chris Leptak short response to Dianne Barnes' Email thread below.

Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 18:47:21 -0400
Subject: Re: McM | Best and Final Amenities offer from VMP

Among many other things , a construction management plan has not been presented to the civic associations, the MAG, or discussed in a community forum for feedback.

I highly encourage the ANC 5E commissions to vote no on the documents and conditions as presented



Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 15:17:54 -0700
Subject: Fw: McM | Best and Final Amenities offer from VMP
Community Awareness:  Please Share. 
Dianne Barnes
SMD 5E09 Commissioner

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 6:13 PM, "Barnes, Dianne (ANC 5E09)" <5e09""> wrote:
From: Anne Corbett []
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 2:26 PM
To: Pinkney, Sylvia (ANC 5E04); Smith-Steiner, Debbie (ANC 5E01); Davis, Christy (ANC 5E02); Underwood, Alex (ANC 5E03); Robinson-Paul, Joyce (ANC 5E05); Quinn, Teri Janine (ANC 5E06); Foster, Wanda B. (ANC 5E07); Mueller, Mark (ANC 5E08); Barnes, Dianne (ANC 5E09); Blanks, Angela (ANC 5E10)
Cc: Aakash Thakkar; Adam Weers; Jair Lynch;; Shaw Henry; Tania Jackson;
Subject: McM | Best and Final Amenities offer from VMP

Per our meeting last night, I am circulating a revised version of the community benefits and amenities offered by VMP in the format to be submitted to the Zoning Commission. We appreciate your work throughout this process and have made significant changes as a result of Community and Zoning Commission requests. 
VMP is committed to providing the additional benefits described in the attachments, totaling $5,000,000 plus 4 additional townhouse converted from market rate to affordable at 80% of AMI plus the willingness to continue to engage the community on the design process for the park and community center, IF the ANC adheres to the following conditions:
*  ANC 5E passes a resolution of unqualified support for the VMP Masterplan and PUD Application for the redevelopment of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site;
*  That resolution covers, and that support continues through, the rest of the entitlement process, including the Zoning Commission, the Mayor's Agent hearing, Land Disposition before the Council of the District of Columbia, and any other processes necessary to build all seven parcels in the project;
*  That resolution ratifies the attached document, APPLICANT'S COMMITMENTS TO ANC 5E ON PUBLIC BENEFITS AND AMENITIES, Z.C. CASE ORDER NO. 13-14, MCMILLAN SAND FILTRATION SITE, dated June 16, 2014 and no other document.
Without such a resolution, VMP will hold to our previously submitted benefits of $3,985,000, and per the Zoning Commission's request, submit a comparison chart of our offer, the MAG request, and the ANC 5E requests as of the May 24 resolution. We hope the ANC will support the agreement we came to last evening for the $5,000,000 and 4 additional 80% AMI townhomes.
On behalf of the entire team, I thank you for your energy and perseverance on this effort. I look forward to celebrating the New McMillan with each of you!
Anne Corbett
Project Director
EYA · JAIR LYNCH Development Partners · Trammell Crow Company
202.494.7523 | | @VisionMcMillan

Anne Corbett subsequently supplied the document below:

Subject: Fwd: Draft PUD Benefits/Amenities
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 19:15:00 -0400
Construction management plan shared 5/9/2014. 

Anne L. Corbett
Project Director
Vision McMillan Partners


  1. best and final? we will see about that....pretty arrogant given they've not even gotten zoning PUD or through the mayor's agent.

  2. how is ANC5e doing this without any community input from BCA, SCA or MAG and why is the city allowing it? DC corruption is unbelievable.

  3. Todd,

    While I was unable to attend last night's ANC 5E meeting, it is my understanding that ANC 5E voted unanimously (Teri Janine abstained as she serves on North Capitol Main Street) in support of this CBA.

    I agree with you that the process has been inept at best but ultimately it is what it is. I hope that you write something to the Zoning Commission, Mayor's Agent in August and Councilmember McDuffie expressing your displeasure with the process from ANC 5E. I can help direct you to the appropriate persons for such a submission.

    Mathew Bader
    BCA MAG Representative

    1. I have just been informed by Debbie Smith-Steiner that she voted in opposition to the CBA presented. As such, she notes that the vote was not unanimous. My apologies for any mis-characterization of the matter.


  4. I would also like to point out that I have absolutely no confidence in ANC 5E to distribute the $500,000 that may be awarded for beautification efforts.

    As each of the ANC 5E public meetings will attest, this is an incredibly dysfunctional and petty ANC that often holds self interests over those of its residents. I hope the November elections reflect this neighborhood discontent.


  5. No carbon monoxide masks to help us with the summer bumper-to-bumper traffic?

  6. Residents of 5E need a wake up call. This handful of Commissioners are taking the community as a bunch of suckers. Sorry, to put it that way, but it is the truth. The Commissioners know they can get away with blatant unethical behavior at the Community's expense because the Community isn't standing up and shouting them down and YES, IN NOVEMBER PEOPLE NEED TO STEP UP AND RUN AGAINST THEM AND VOTE THEM OUT! Please understand, there are very few, if any, checks & balances on their behavior--not at this ANC level--even the media ignores their actions. SO, the community is the ONLY people that can keep this unethical behavior in check--yet pay very little attention to it (even though it greatly impacts the future of their neighborhood, homes & culture. Please inform all your neighbors of the Commissioners' names that they should not vote for. And get people to the ANC meetings to shout this Commission down--sorry to say, but there is no other way. The Commissioners know they can get away with things because the community sits idle & allows them to. The Councilmember is happily helps them & other times turns a blind eye--as he and the developer plan on benefiting from the Commission's unethical behavior. So, I say to my dear community--wake up & do something. We outnumber them, IF WE SHOW UP. Letters to officials, zoning, etc are necessary, but realize they share much of the same agenda as this handful of crooked Commissioners. So, you must do more than just write letters/emails. You need to show up, make your voices heard loud and clear in public meetings, run for office & vote!!! Please, for the sake of our community and for the sake of justice--do something to help.
