
Thursday, June 19, 2014

POP UP producer at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market this Sunday -- Baby Food by PureJoy

Subject: POP UP Producer at BFM Sunday -- Baby Food by PureJoy
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:49:05 -0400

To Bloomingdale, Eckington, Bates, Truxton Circle, Edgewood,Stronghold, LeDroit Moms and Dads:
If you have a baby or are expecting one -- or you know someone with a baby, please come to BFM Sunday to sample the baby food from  PureJoy, a new producer who wants to join us.  We want to know what you think -- Robin and Ted

PUREJOY is a DC based company that produces (and delivers) fresh baby food to families on a weekly basis.  They also come to farmers' markets.  Founded by two dads and an uncle who made their kids and nephews baby food, PureJoy's mission is to introduce young children to fresh delicious flavors using local and pesticide -free produce that will expand their palates with new flavors and ingredients. Last week they bought organic squash from Ivy Brand for, for example.
Robin Shuster
14&U Farmers' Market 
Bloomingdale Farmers' Market

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