
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

single dads out there?

See this message from a Bloomingdale resident:

Dear Bloomingdale neighbors,
Are there any other single, perhaps divorced dads out there who'd be interested in getting together on a fairly regular basis either with kids or without, or a little of each? We could descend on a playground or... if there are not many of us (I can already hear the crickets)... I'd propose a get-together at my house. I have two young girls, 7 and 4, and am a full-time, half of the time dad. I've lived in Bloomingdale since 2003, was married for more than 10 years.
Caveat: No moms allowed.
I believe we have common challenges   that are unique to fathers in this situation, not the least of which is developing and maintaining networks of friends for our kids and, in the process, for ourselves.
If anyone's interested, send me an email at

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