
Saturday, June 21, 2014

stale info: here is the 06-11-2014 143 Rear W Street NW BZA application submitted by Miller Development

Doing a little catch-up here.
Looks like I did not post this revised 143 Rear W St NW BZA application from Miller Development here at the blog.  So here it is now.

Note that on Monday, 06-16-2014, the Bloomingdale Civic Association voted not to support this BZA application.   The following day, on Tuesday, 06-17-2014. ANC 5E likewise voted not to support this BZA application.

So does that mean that Miller Development won't receive the zoning variance that he is seeking?

S t a y   t u n e d .

See this brief 06-13-2014 message from the Bloomingdale Concerned Citizens:

Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:10:25 -0400
Subject: Miller Development Update

Here's a quick update on the proposed Miller development in the lot behind 143 W Street. 

1)  Save the date for the Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting on Monday at 7.  It sounds like Miller will actually be there on Monday, and will request a vote from the Civic Association on his proposed development.  If you have an opinion on what ends up happening in that lot, this is a critical meeting to attend.

2)  Revised Proposal:  Miller is now requesting a variance to build 5 units rather than 8 units.  The revised application is attached.  As a result, Miller only needs one variance (rather than two) from the city.  He still is requesting a variance because the alleys are not 30-feet wide.  The alleys are only 10-15 feet.  I understand that the only permissible use for the lot without the requested variance is garages and artist studios.  I assume that Miller will provide an overview of his revised proposal at the BCA meeting on Monday.

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