
Friday, July 04, 2014

Bloomingdale resident Smitty Smith: candidate for DC Attorney General

See this message from Bloomingdale resident and AG candidate Smitty Smith:

Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 16:26:32 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Big News
Hey Scott,
Just want to make sure that you see this.  Thanks!
- Smitty

I have some big news to share with you. As of today, all the paperwork for my candidacy for the office of Attorney General has been filed and I am now officially a candidate. 
I am running to be the District of Columbia's first elected Attorney General because the residents of the District deserve an advocate who will fight to improve the lives of all of our city's residents every single day.
  • I will take a hands on approach to reforming our juvenile justice system to proactively give kids the attention and help they need to stay out of trouble and succeed in school.
  • I will hold companies that take advantage of our residents accountable for their actions and work to put in place more consumer protections. 
  • I will fight to preserve the integrity of our city government and ensure that our ethics laws are upheld.
  • I will continue the fight on behalf of our city's residents to achieve budget autonomy and representation in Congress.
I can't do this all without your help and there are two ways you can get involved now so we can get off to a strong start.
First, please make a contribution today. The first and most important fundraising deadline is at the end of the month and we need to have a strong showing to demonstrate our viability and scare off the competition. You can make a contribution online right now at
Second, we are officially launching the campaign next Saturday, July 12 at noon. We will hold the launch on the steps of my grandmother's old house, where I grew up, at 2nd and Rhode Island Ave, NW. We will have signs and stickers and the entire Washington press corp with be there. I would be honored to have you join us at the kickoff. If you can make it, please send an email to my Campaign Manager John Rodriguez at and he will share with you all of the details.
We have a real shot of winning this race. Your help right now as we launch this campaign will go a long way in getting us there.
Thank you for your love and support,
Paid for by Smitty for AG. Adam Harrington, Treasurer. PO PO Box 90395, Washington, DC 20090.
Smitty for AG
PO Box 90395
Washington DC 20090 United States

1 comment:

  1. Will be see you Sunday at the Bloomingdale Farmers' Market gathering signatures?
