
Saturday, July 26, 2014

cat missing from the unit block of T Street NW

See this Saturday, 07-26-2014, message:

My friend's cat went missing overnight.  Escaped from unit block of T St NW south side back yard. 14lbs, grey, stripey, big eyes.  Here's a photo:

Any chance you could post this on the blog/listserv? Email if you find him. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I hope Stinker finds his way back home. I will certainly keep an eye out for him in my neighborhood. Looking at his picture I didn't see a collar. Does he have a chip? It is very important to be able to identify lost pets. I suggest you post flyers throughout the neighborhood with his picture. Flyers do work and people will call you if they spot Stinker. Check the animal shelter on New York Ave and file a lost pet report. Best wishes to you.
