
Thursday, July 31, 2014

District Source: Transportation issues, height loom over McMillan Zoning Commission decision until September

Click on the link to read the * entire * District Source article on the McMillan PUD Zoning Commission meeting.

Transportation Issues, Height Loom Over McMillan Zoning Commission Decision Until September

 By: Shaun Courtney

The final decision on the McMillan  reservoir redevelopment plan will not come from the D.C. Zoning Commission (ZC) until September or possibly later as commissioners expressed ongoing, serious reservations about elements of the plan, particularly the traffic and transportation impacts the new development would have on the surrounding community. Monday, the ZC advised developers to refine their transportation program and to reduce the height of a proposed medical building, among other fixes, by the next hearing set for Sept. 29.
The District government awarded Vision McMillan Partners’ (VMP)–a team comprised of JAIR LYNCH Development Partners, EYA and Trammell Crow Company–the right to redevelop the site in 2007. The design plan calls for 2.1 million square feet of new mixed-use development  on the 25-acre site in Northwest D.C.
Community groups have objected to the development, citing concerns over traffic impacts and the amount of public park space.

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