
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Next City, Greater Greater Washington blogs: unhappy about resistance towards the McMillan project

See these two blog posts that are not happy that the McMillan development project has not moved forward.

Click on the links to see the entire posts.

First, from Next City.

Where Housing Policy Intersects With Homelessness in D.C.

But legal minutiae and NIMBYism delay or altogether kill large projects too. For example, the massive CityCenter project that is meant to transform downtown has endured its own eight-year approval process. A mixed-use development proposed near the McMillan Reservoir still hasn’t broken ground, due to officials kowtowing to neighborhood resistance. For the privilege of opening the first of several stores on the east side, Walmart has paid millions in lobbying and community benefits expenses. And the list of projects that have been discouraged goes on and on.

And secondly, from Greater Greater Washington:

DC planners want to limit row houses from becoming condos

There's a good chance that existing row houses are a more ideal place for family-sized housing. A limit might make sense if, at the same time, the city has a strategy for adding the housing it needs in other ways. It doesn't have one now. There was also massive opposition to allow even targeted exceptions to the federal height limit. People are fighting development at McMillan, at Takoma, at the Big K site in Anacostia, and on my block, all saying that whatever
is proposed is too big for whatever area it's in. 

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