
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

break-ins and thefts on the unit block of S Street NW

See this 08-05-2014 message:

I wanted to let you know about a recent crime wave on the unit block of S street NW.  In the past week and a half, two homes (that I know of) have been robbed (mine and two doors down).  Both robberies occurred while someone was home and the front door was unlocked.  The burglar came in and took what valuables they could by the front door and left. My neighbor's house has a security system which wasn't armed (because someone was home), but recorded the time of the door being opened.  The burglar was in the house for less than 90 seconds.  I suspect it was the same for my house, too.  I thought it would be a good idea if you could remind the Bloomingdale listserv to always lock your doors, even when you are home.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear of more burglaries in the neighborhood, so soon after the V Street burglary, but thankfully, there were no injuries. Unfortunately, a neighbor on T Street was home when the home was burglarized.

    In addition to the suggestion of keeping your doors locked, may I add that we need to be alert to any suspicious activity, at our own homes and at our neighbors, and not hesitate to call 911

    PSA: 501
    CCN: 14115694
    RPT DATE: 08/03/2014 00:20
    OFFENSE: Burglary
    METHOD: First Degree Burglary (Armed Or Otherwise)
    LOCATION: Residence/Home
    START DT: 08/03/2014 00:15
    END DT: 08/03/2014 00:18

  2. And it continues. Sadly on Saturday night , two black cast iron urns were stolen from our front steps on the Unit Block of Seaton Place NW. They both had boxwoods planted in them. You wouldn't think that someone could just easily pick these up and take them...But they did. Be kind and look out for each other!. Been living here since 2009 and we never had a problem till now. If you see something odd, check in with your neighbors. We filed a report with the police.

  3. My neighbor on the unit block of T street also had two urns stolen from their front stoop (believe it was Friday night). A few hours earlier, a delivery driver had their car stolen from the same block (although they apparently left keys in the car).

    I agree that, if anyone sees someone just carrying something like that down the street or wheeling a garbage can late at night, say something or check in with neighbors.
