
Saturday, August 02, 2014

Flagler/Adams construction update from the Thursday, 07-31-2014, DC Water 1st Street Tunnel forum meeting

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 12:51:48 -0700
Subject: Flagler/Adams - Construction update from FST Forum

At last night's forum, DC Water handed out a schedule as follows for Flagler/Adams.  The streets will be shut down soon.
  • August 8:  Mobilize construction staging area
  • August 13:  Demolition of curbs, planters
  • August 18:  Install drill rig (ends 9/5); relocate storm inlet  (we've asked repeatedly where the drills/cranes will be, but DC Water has refused to disclose).
  • August 22: Relocate 6-inch water line and fire hydrant (ends 9/5)
  • Sept. 1:  Replace 30-inch water main.
Also, DC Water previously committed to providing reports on air quality, noise, and vibration for each CSA.  They are now claiming to be too busy, and maybe they'll have a format to consider by September.  
For those who attended, feel free to add more, either about the other staging areas or other topics.

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