
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) comment on McMillan (dated 08-25-2014)

See this 08-26-2014 message from Bloomingdale resident Mat Bader:

Please let folks know that VMP has filed its responses from the most recent Zoning commission hearing. In addition, the National Capitol Planning Commission (NCPC) has filed a set of comments to address viewsheds from the Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) that will be impacted by the proposed development. This comes on the heels of the NCPC request for the zoning commission to keep the record open in order to look further into the potential impact of the development on these views.
For those that do not have time to read the NCPC report, it finds that the McMillan development will not retain views and viewsheds (a case made repeatedly to the zoning commission during the hearings). The comments even go so far as to state that the scale of density of the proposed plan for the McMillan site is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies associated with the McMillan site (again, a case made repeatedly by residents to the zoning commission).                                                                                                                                                
It ultimately calls for a new plan to be submitted that is more consistent with land uses intended for the site.

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