
Monday, August 25, 2014

WBJ: "Trammell Crow shaves a floor off its McMillan medical office building, plus more"

See this tweet:

Trammell Crow shaves a floor off its McMillan medical office building, plus timelines, transportation plans and CBA.

Click on the link to read the * entire * WBJ article:
Aug 25, 2014, 5:22pm EDT

Trammell Crow shaves a floor off McMillan building, plus new transportation plans and timeline

Staff Reporter- Washington Business Journal

Trammell Crow has agreed to shave a floor off its proposed medical office building at the 25-acre McMillan site, addressing one of the key complaints raised by the Zoning Commission during its July review of the massive project.
According to documents filed with the commission Monday, the medical office building is now proposed to be 115 feet high, down from 130 feet. The facility will lose about 25,000 gross square feet in the paring process, but according to a letter accompanying the changes, the reduction "will not have an appreciable effect on the financial feasibility of the project or the transportation network."

1 comment:

  1. We watched the "little dance" the zoning commissioners and VMP did about the lousy 15 feet off the humongous building. Trammel Crow is still stepping all over the people of DC, paying $10,000 a month for Carmen Group to keep corrupt city council members on board, for the big land disposition "surplus" give away to the conglomerate developers.If this development is so great why the "fake grassroots campaign" paid for by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Jeff Miller, to pollute and subvert our legitimate community opposition. They have to ram this down our throats, any corrupt, fraudulent way they can.
    Ask EYA if this whole thing started with the $50,000 bribe to Harry Thomas Jr?
