
Sunday, August 03, 2014

? who has picked up petitions for ANC 5E commissioners for the single member districts (SMDs) that cover Bloomingdale (as of 08-01-2014) ?

See this info from the DC Board of Elections and Ethics:

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner petition pick-up list for the  November 4, 2014 General Election

5:33 PM

5E01 Deborah Debbie Smith Steiner xxxx 6th Street, NE 20017 202-681-0095 7/25/14
5E03 Nes Robinson xxx Todd Place, NE #1 20002 202-506-5539 7/14/14 8/1/14
5E03 Alex Marco Underwood xxx T Street NE 20002 202-498-4128 7/17/14
5E03 Renee T. Lewis xxx T Street, NW 20002 202-486-5648 7/24/14
5E04 Adam Duffy xxx R Street, NE #B 20002 781-534-5604 7/9/14 8/1/14
5E04 Sylvia M. Pinkney xx R Street, NE 20002 202-269-4180 7/7/14 7/11/14
5E05 Joyce Robinson-Paul xx N Street, NW 20001 202-330-7955 8/1/14
5E05 Bradley Ashton Thomas xxx P Street, NW 20001 202-670-0151 7/8/14
5E06 Teri Janine Quinn xxxx 2nd Street, NW 20001 214-908-1913 7/18/14
5E07 Bertha Holliday xx T Street, NW 20001 202-491-3996 8/1/14
5E07 Jon Mandel xxx Seaton Place, NW #B 20001 202-702-7786 8/1/14
5E07 Betsy McDaniel xxxx 1st Street, NW 20001 202-709-5307 8/1/14
5E08 Austin L. Pearl xxxx North Capitol Street, NW 20002 202-486-5282 7/31/14
5E09 C. Dianne Barnes xx Adams Street, NW 20001 202-387-2497 7/7/14 7/21/14
5E09 Kirby Vining xx Franklin Street, NE 20002 202-213-2690 7/7/14 8/1/14
5E10 Sally Hobaugh xxx Ascot Place, NE 20002 202-412-9618 7/10/14

Here is a map of the ANC 5E single member district boundaries.

What's the rundown to date?

The position of ANC 5E06 is running uncontested -- just one candidate so far -- Teri Janine Quinn.

The position of ANC 5E07 has three Bloomingdale residents running so far -- Bertha Holliday, Jon Mandel and Betsy McDaniel.

The position of ANC 5E08 has only one Bloomingdale resident running to date -- Austin Pearl.

And the position of ANC 5E09 has two people -- Bloomingdale resident Dianne Barnes and Stronghold resident Kirby Vining

Note that just because petitions have been picked doesn't mean that the petitions will subsequently be turned in with the minimum number of signatures.

So stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even realize Jon Mandel lived in 5E07. Wouldn't it be a conflict of interest for him to work both for the Councilmember and run for an ANC position?

