
Monday, September 22, 2014

North Capitol Main Street, Inc. (NCMS) is looking for board and committee members as well as volunteers

See this Monday, 09-22-2014. message from North Capitol Main Street Executive Director Demetris Cheatham:

North Capitol Main Street, Inc. (NCMS) is looking for board and committee members as well as volunteers! If you are interested in being a board member, committee member or general volunteer, please click here to complete the form. If you have any questions, please click here to send us an email.
NCMS seeks a diverse board. We encourage both business owners and residents to apply. The NCMS board should be a mix of members who have experience working with diverse groups, implementing policy and in any of the following areas: grant writing, fundraising, economic restructuring, marketing, PR, event planning, programming, governance and/or community.
Collectively, the board helps to:
  • Implement NCMS strategic planning;
  • Oversee the hiring of staff;
  • Work closely with the Department of Local & Small Business Development;
  • Seek funding opportunities; and
  • Attend NCMS and other community based events.
We have four active committees:
Programming Committee
Programming takes many forms, but the goal is to create a positive image that will rekindle community pride and improve consumer and investor confidence in your commercial district. Advertising, retail promotions, special events, and marketing campaigns help sell the image and promise of North Capitol Main Street to the community and surrounding region. Programming communicates the commercial district’s unique characteristics, business establishments, and activities to shoppers, investors, potential business and property owners, and visitors.
Economic Restructuring Committee
Economic restructuring strengthens our community’s existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base. This is accomplished by retaining and expanding successful businesses to provide a balanced commercial mix, sharpening the competitiveness and merchandising skills of business owners, and attracting new businesses that the market can support. Converting unused or underused commercial space into economically productive property also helps boost the profitability of the district. The goal is to build a commercial district that responds to the needs of today’s consumers.
Design Committee
Design means getting North Capitol Main Street into top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers, and visitors. It takes advantage of the visual opportunities inherent in a commercial district by directing attention to all of its physical elements: public and private buildings, storefronts, signs, public spaces, parking areas, street furniture, public art, landscaping, merchandising, window displays, and promotional materials. An appealing atmosphere, created through attention to all of these visual elements, conveys a positive message about the commercial district and what it has to offer.
Design activities also include instilling good maintenance practices in the commercial district, enhancing the district’s physical appearance through the rehabilitation of historic buildings, encouraging appropriate new construction, developing sensitive design management systems, educating business and property owners about design quality, and long-term planning.
Operations Committee
Operations establishes consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in the commercial district. By getting everyone working toward the same goal, our Main Street program can provide effective, ongoing management and advocacy for our neighborhood business district. Through volunteer recruitment and collaboration with partners representing a broad cross section of the community, our program can incorporate a wide range of perspectives into its efforts. A governing board of directors and standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of volunteer-driven revitalization programs. Volunteers are coordinated and supported by a paid program director. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities, but also builds consensus and cooperation among the various stakeholders.

Through planning and working with the business community and area residents, North Capitol Main Street, Inc. is committed to creating a vibrant future for North Capitol Street between New York and Rhode Island Avenues, and revitalizing the Bloomingdale business district at Rhode Island Avenue and First Street, NW.

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