
Thursday, September 04, 2014

Bloomingdale resident and ANC 5E07 candidate Bertha Holliday: Heads-up for residents near the unit block of T Street NW area‏

Dear Neighbors,
A T Street NW neighbor just informed me that she had witnessed a young man (about 20 years, tall, medium brown skin, dregs) "checking out" houses and rattling basement door gates on the alley and its dead-end on the north side of the unit block of T.  The neighbor, took a picture and called the police.  We have had a couple of recent break-ins on the block with residents suffering some injuries.  So please be safe -- which means keep your eyes open, be sure your basement and 1st floor windows and door gates are secure and kept locked, and call the police if you see anything suspicious. 
Bertha Holliday
Candidate for ANC 5E07

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