
Tuesday, September 09, 2014

#FlaQNW: Twitter #hashtag for the DCHD-managed Florida & Q Street NW lot development project

I believe that this is the lot to be developed at Florida and Q Street NW.
At the Monday night’s Bates Area Civic Association meeting held at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, two development teams bidding for the DHCD contractor for the lot (lots?) at Florida and Q Street NW made presentations.
I won’t be supplying here in the post any info about the two teams.  Look forward future posts here at the Bates blog.
For now, let’s establish a Twitter hashtag for the development project.
For the Twitter users in the community who will be tweeting during meeting & presentations and at other times, let’s use the Twitter hashtag of #FlaQNW.
#FlaQ seems to already be in use — and #FlaQNW does not.
Dorky, but unclaimed.
So let’s go with #FlaQNW.

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