
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

meet-and-greet for ANC 5E04 candidate Adam Duffy at Rustik Tavern -- Thursday, 09-18-2014

You are invited to a Meet and Greet for our friend and neighbor
                                                                                                                               ADAM DUFFY
Candidate for ANC Commissioner for 5E04 - Eckington

Thursday, September 18, 2014
84 T St . NW
Washington, DC 20001
(Please note this invitation does NOT represent an endorsement by Rustik Tavern or its staff) 
Please join us in supporting our friend, Adam Duffy, candidate for ANC Commissioner for our neighborhood.  We know that he will bring dedication to the ANC and serve as a tireless advocate to continue to make Eckington a great place to live. 
Check out Adam's website for more information on Eckkington and the issues.
Twitter: @duffyforanc

We hope to see you at Rustik on the 18th!

Your fellow Eckingtonians:
Cortland Bradford, Veronika Buonaugurio, Sosena Desta, Sean Garcia, Lindsay Rhodes, and Patrick Phillips

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