
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

seven Vision McMillan Partners (VMP) submissions to DCOZ on 09-15-2014: letter requesting the record be re-opened for these submissions; submission including a letter from VMP explaining the submissions; submission of architectural renderings & designs; letter from NCPC in response to VMP AFRH viewsheds thing

See the set of documents below from the DCOZ website ( - ZC# 13-14)

A lot to digest here.

Holland & Knight's Carolyn Brown


  1. The same adaptive re-use as the 11th St. Bridge is what a sane city needs to do at McMillan Park. We need to stop the VMP/EYA/Jeff Miller development. Please see this testimony to Muriel Bowser, as she ignores unethical “fake” grassroots campaign paid for by Jeff Miller at DMPED and VMP to Jamie Fontaine and Company Baltimore outsider corruption..
    If the VMP plan is so wonderful, why do they illegally hire a Baltimore PR firm to fake grass roots support. Bowser is co-conspirator, she doesn’t even know what is going on at McMillan, providing miserable oversight. She facilitates lies by Jeff Miller the VMP project mananger and now Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. She said “city money paying for PR campaign looks bad to the public”, DMPED oversight City Council Committee on Economic Development, Feb, 11, 2014. He lies to her and says DMPED didn’t pay for the PR campaign, who's stated goal is “neutralize opposition, and “create the appearance of community support for VMP”.
    This was Unethical PR campaign to subvert community opposition to VMP,
    Please see the City Council hearing video below, Brookland residents landscape architect Mary Pat Rowan and historic restoration artist Daniel Wolkoff testify to Muriel Bowser Chair of the City Council Committee on Economic Development. This link goes to the testimony on McMillan Park from February 2014

    Vote against McDuffie and WRITE IN---"Save McMillan Park"
    The only democratic voice you have,on the future of your city and park, even if it is symbolic, It's the DC govt. that disenfranchised you!

  2. Again, can you please tell us what law was broken by hiring a PR firm?
