
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Urban Turf: "Zoning Commission Approves First Stage of McMillan PUD"

Click on the link to read the * entire * Urban Turf post on last night's Zoning Commission thumbs-up McMillan vote of approval.

After years of debate, the Zoning Commission (ZC) has tentatively approved the first stage of a planned unit development (PUD) for the redevelopment of McMillan Sand Filtration Plant. In a 4-0 vote, the commission gave developer Vision McMillan Partners a two-year permission to move forward with the first stage of the PUD on Monday night, though final action won’t be taken until November.
The redevelopment plan for the 25-acre filtration site on the northern edge of Bloomingdale (map) includes a mix of townhouses and multi-family residential, office space, park space, a community center and retail, including a grocery store. The development team of Vision McMillan Partners (VMP) is made up of Jair Lynch, EYA, Trammell Crow, and architect Shalom Baranes.


  1. jaybee said at 8:42 am on Tuesday September 30, 2014:
    Oh thank goodness, I was worried I was really worried Friends of McMillan was going to go away.  My entertainment value would have dramatically declined.
  1. Circle Thomas said at 9:35 am on Tuesday September 30, 2014:
    When this project is finally completed in 2042, I look forward to seeing pictures of the sobbing faces of Friends of McMillan Water Filtration Site in front of it.
  1. JQH3 said at 9:48 am on Tuesday September 30, 2014:
    Would not be surprised if Fear of Modernity put out a “press release” stating that the ZC rejected the PUD and demanded that the site be immediately turned over to urban fish-farming.
    But really, can someone explain what this actually entails for the development? Does this mean it goes to Mayor’s agent next, or what does the two-year PUD entail? When does building start?


  1. I'm not sure what's next for McMillian, but it may go Federal since the Feds are saying that the proposed development blocks view sights that are part of the covenants that the District agreed to when they purchased the property.

  2. I'm not sure what's next for McMillian, but it may go Federal. Apparently, the proposed development blocks certain view sights that were a part of the covenant that DC agreed to when we purchased the property.

    1. Unknown,

      It is my understanding that the views and viewsheds issue has been resolved with NCPC. This was discussed in the most recent zoning hearing.

      Mathew Bader
      BCA MAG Representative
