
Thursday, October 09, 2014

McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) meeting -- today, Thursday, 10-09-2014

Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 14:48:37 -0400
Subject: Reminder: MAG Meeting on Thursday, October 9th
From:  Devi
Dear MAG,
This is a reminder that the next MAG meeting will take place next Thursday, October 9th, 7-8:30 pm, at All Nation's Baptist Church (corner of Rhode Island and North Capitol St)
Proposed Agenda:
1.  Discussion of community input process and accountability:  DMPED and VMP invited to have an open discussion about what has worked and what has not.
2.  Follow-up on Zoning and Mayor's Agent
3.  Continued discussions of community outreach opportunities
Please e-mail with any other suggested agenda items by Wednesday, October 8.   

1 comment:

  1. ather, the Deputy Mayor for "Planning" and Economic Development, Jeff Miller, hired a Baltimore PR firm to fake grass roots support for Visionless McMillan Partners. They are succeeding as many slimey, unethical tactics succeed, to confuse people and avoid all the negative issues with this "Monstrosity on Michigan". Friends of McMillan and people like Phil Blair and Mary Pat Rowan(landscape architect) have been fighting for a real "great place" with significant historical protection for 25 years. We have to fight our own corrupt representatives, and they hire slime balls to mask the downside of this monster development,,,we need to save the environment, Stop the surplus, corporate give away of Public land and $100's of millions.
    If the VMP plan is so wonderful, why do they illegally hire a Baltimore PR firm to fake grass roots support. Bowser is co-conspirator, she doesn't even know what is going on at McMillan, providing miserable oversight. She facilitates lies by Jeff Miller the VMP project manager and now Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. She said "city money paying for PR campaign looks bad to the public", DMPED oversight City Council Committee on Economic Development, Feb, 11, 2014. He lies to her and says DMPED didn't pay for the PR campaign that's goal is "neutralize opposition, and "create the appearance of community support for VMP".
    This was Unethical PR campaign to subvert community opposition to VMP,
    Please see the City Council hearing video below, Brookland residents landscape architect Mary Pat Rowan and historic restoration artist Daniel Wolkoff testify to Muriel Bowser Chair of the City Council Committee on Economic Development. This link goes to the testimony on McMillan Park from February 11, 2014

    Daniel Goldon Wolkoff

    Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
    Adams Morgan Stained Glass
    1231 Randolph Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20017
    Tel: 202-232-8391
    Attachments area
    Preview YouTube video DC Council Overisght 2014: DMPED; McMillan Testimony
