
Monday, November 03, 2014

a glimpse of the November/December 2014 events calendar at Samsara House 2023

Subject: A Glimpse of the November/December 2014 Events Calendar at Samsara House 2023
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 22:02:30 -0500

A Glimpse of the November/December 2014 Events Calendar at Samsara House 2023
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A Glimpse of the November/December 2014
Events Calendar at Samsara House 2023


Yoga, Yoga, Yoga - Three chances to do Yoga this month; either pop-in for our free weekly practice, learn in a private small group setting before venturing to a studio for the first time, or practice three Thursdays in November With Love Popup Yoga, Meditation and Mindful Eating.  In recognition of the new film out in D.C., AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda (until Nov 6th), we're offering new copies by donation of Yogananda's book An Autobiography of a Yogi - a profound introduction to the ancient science of Yoga and its time-honored tradition of meditation.  Come get your copy!

Kathmandu, Nepal - We'll also be connecting live via Skype video to Kathmandu, Nepal tomorrow Tuesday, November 4th for the launch event of the Jigme Dzogchen Ling, DC Dharma Center located at Samsara House 2023 (see below). Founding teacher, Tibetan Lama Sangngag Tenzin Rinpoche and his English-Tibetan translator will join us for the auspicious occasion to help introduce the Medicine Buddha Healing Mantra practice.   (It's also election day, so don't forget to vote!)

Shamanism - Learn how to journey inward on the night of the full moon with Shaman Alex Kruger who will lead our first Introduction to the Shamanic Journey. (see below).

We'll also have weekday morning meditation, bi-weekly Dharma talks with Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh, mind-expanding film screenings at Conscious Film Night, discover how to embrace, relax and drop down into a core problem which troubles humanity with Waking Down in Mutuality, practice the empathy of nonviolent communication, and take an 8-week course in nonviolent communication to learn how to detect and respond to the two things anyone is ever saying to one another, "please and thank you."

Holacracy - A different way of organizing people and working together is emerging—one in which there are no longer any managers, titles, or top-down hierarchies, yet everyone is still given a voice and decisions are made rapidly--just not by consensus, majority or directive. It’s called Holacracy and it has the potential to create a more responsive, conscious and coherent world, everybody-all-at-once.  For the first time in D.C., the founder of Holacracy will be in town to give the Holacracy Taster Workshop on December 4th. Make the supreme effort to find a way to take this workshop; your life may never be the same!  (see below).

Free Yoga - Every Monday Night at Samsara House 2023, 7PM-8PM 
Register: Space Limited - RSVP 24 Hours In Advance - Send e-mail:

Free Morning Meditation (Dzogchen & Zen) - Every Weekday Morning at Samsara House 2023, 5:45AM-6:15AM

Tibetan Lama Live from Kathmandu, Nepal
Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhist Center Opens in Bloomingdale! - Launch Event: The Medicine Buddha Healing Meditation 7PM-9:30PM - Live feed starts at 7:30PM
Read More/Register:

1 spot still open
WED 5 NOV: (2nd session) 
Yoga for Beginners with Deb Koolbeck - 4 people for 4 Consecutive Weeks started 10/29/14, 7PM-8:15PM - (1 spot still open, inquire at

THUR 6th, 13th & 20th NOV: 
Popup Yoga WithLoveDC  - 3 Thursdays in November at Samsara House 2023, 7PM-9:30PM

SUN 9th & 23rd: (Every other Sunday, but RSVP to be sure)
Dharma Talk with Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh, 5:30PM-8:30PM

TUE 11 NOV: (2nd Tuesday Monthly) 
An Introduction to Waking Down in Mutuality, 7PM-9:30PM

“Be the Change You Seek In The World”: An 8-Week Collaborative Communications Series, 12:30PM-2:15PM @ Samsara House 2023
Read More: 
e-mail interest to: and

FRI 21 NOV: 
Empathy Cafe (Taste Collaborative/Nonviolent Communication), 6:30PM 
& Conscious Film Night: Film TBD 8:00PM
Watch Film Trailer & Register:  e-mail to both: and
Note: This event is hosted at Peace Circle Center in Dupont Circle - (The address is communicated upon registration)

Intro to the Shamanic Journey with Alex Kruger of One Fire Wellness on the new moon, 7:00-9:30PM


First time in DC!

THU 4 DEC:  
Holacracy Taster Workshop with founder Brian Robertson 1PM-4:30PM

Shift Happens at Samsara House 2023
Copyright © 2014 Samsara House 2023, All rights reserved. 
Your e-mail address was added to the Samsara House Mailing List as a result of having attending one or more events in the past. 

Our mailing address is: 
Samsara House 2023
36 R Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

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