
Monday, November 24, 2014

ANC 5E07 candidate Bertha Holliday: "Hold on for at least a couple of more weeks regarding the determination of a 5E07 'winner' "

See this message from ANC 5E07 commissioner candidate Bertha Holliaday:
Your notice announcing the 'winners' of Bloomingdale 5E ANCs may have been a bit premature - -- at least  in regard to ANC 5E07.  
The 'winners' reported reflect the final vote count.  BOE MUST CERTIFY the final vote counts at its next meeting (12/3??) .  After certification, those races where the vote difference between the top contenders is less than 1% will undergo a  legally-required mandatory hand re-count. The 5E07 race falls into this category. 
The 5E07 'winner' S will be finally determined at the conclusion of the re-count -- assuming the re-count does not result in a tied vote!.  
So please urge all to hold-on for at least a couple of more weeks re determination of  5E07 'winner'.
Hope this info reduces the confusion surrounding what has become a very complicated election process for ANC 5E07, which continues to be a great learning experience!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Bertha.

    This morning I went to the Board of Elections to inquire about the certification and recount procedure. Unfortunately, I did not get a definitive answer.

    I also attended the beginning of the manual audit of randomly selected contests to gain some insight into what the recount process might be like.

    The BOE Board is scheduled to meet on December 3 at 10:30 am when the agenda includes the certification of the November 4 election results. I was told the automatic recount would take place after the certification but could not get any additional details. Since Bloomingdale precincts are not involved in the audit, I would not expect to see any changes in the final vote before certification. It appears certain that ANC5E07 would require a recount since there is only one vote separating the two candidates.I did not ask what would happen if the recount resulted in a tie! lol

    While we await the news of the plans to honor Marion Barry, which could affect some government schedules, some election deadlines are legally mandated. Hopefully, we will know something soon.
