
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

DC Council Committee on Economic Development passes three LDA resolutions for McMillan; vote on Tuesday, 12-02-2014

1) Okay, here are a bunch of tweets from this afternoon.

Thanks to Bloomingdame, Michael Neibauer and Mike DeBonis.

. Com on Econ Dev passed three resolutions for - no discussion of details, no concerns expressed

“It is a world-class project and I’m looking forward to supporting it,” says of McMillan, now moving to the full council.

. Comm on EconDev to consider LDAs. Chair present
McMillan redevelopment plan has cleared council committees and will get initial vote Dec. 2.

: McMillan redevelopment plan has cleared council committees and will get initial vote Dec. 2.”
Initial vote or only vote? They are resolutions.
You're right. Only vote.
passed unanimously out of committee

2) Plus this brief Email from Truxton Circle resident Eric Jones:
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:00:10 -0500
Subject: McMillan Project

PR 20-1082, 20-1083 & 20-1084 were just marked up and voted out of the Committee on Economic Development 4-0.  Our Counciman provided comments and 3 of the 4 Council members present were Ward 5 Residents.
3) Here is the tail end of a post from Washington Business Journal reporter Michael Neibauer:

Council committees approve D.C. United, McMillan bills

Nov 25, 2014, 4:49pm EST UPDATED: Nov 25, 2014, 5:00pm EST

Staff Reporter- Washington Business Journal


Also on Tuesday, both panels unanimously approved the surplus and disposition of the 25-acre McMillan Sand Filtration Site for redevelopment by Trammell Crow, EYA and Jair Lynch Development Partners. Like D.C. United, McMillan now heads to the full council, where it is expected to pass. Bowser said that she is "pleased it is moving forward."  
"It is a world-class project and I'm looking forward to supporting it," said Councilman Kenyan McDuffie, D-Ward 5, government operations chairman.

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