
Saturday, November 22, 2014

DC Water: 8 inch pipe break - emergency repair required / Community Notification; repair made & water service restored

Subject: Fwd: DC Water-8 inch pipe break-emergency repair required/ Community Notification 
From:  Austin Pearl
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 13:54:12 -0500
         If you have not already, can you please add this to the blog/latest email? 
I have asked how long they think the outtage will last.

Begin forwarded message:
From: Thomas Lindberg
Date: November 22, 2014 at 1:22:16 PM EST
To: "Austin Pearl <>,  <>
Cc: a bunch of Email addresses
Subject: DC Water-8 inch pipe break-emergency repair required/ Community Notification 
Dear Commissioner Pearl and Commissioner Barnes,
Please be informed that today at approximately 9:15 AM water began surfacing in the alleyway next to 142 Adams Street NW, this water main leak was not caused by a utility strike.  The alley is located just south of the DC Water’s construction staging area at Adams and Flagler Street NW, the alley runs to the First Street Tunnel ‘s 143 R Alternative Parking Area behind Flagler Place NW. See photo attached.
FST staff have been knocking on doors and notifying local residents of the need to shut off water and repair the leak. Since the leak is on the 8 inch line, the disruption is limited to a small portion of Adams Street. The shut-down is underway as of this afternoon and repair of the line will be ongoing until potable water can be restored to all the affected homes. Bottled water is being hand delivered to those residents with special needs and small children. We will work as quickly as possible to restore water service to those affected.
Please feel free to forward this important information to others.
Sincere Regards, Tom      
Tom Lindberg, DCCR First Street Tunnel - Public Outreach DC Clean Rivers Project | DC Water 5000 Overlook Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20032 t (202) 787-4738 f (202) 787-4478 | Email: | FST web page:

And see this subsequent message:

From: Thomas Lindberg <>
Date: November 22, 2014 at 5:03:09 PM EST
To: Austin Pearl , <>
Cc:  a bunch of Email addresses
"Subject: RE: 8 inch water line break-emergency repair underway/ Potable Water Service to Resume to customers by 6PM tonight. 
To All:
Please be informed that the repair has been made and the water service turned back on.
This will be the last communication on this issue.
Best, Tom
Tom Lindberg, DCCR First Street Tunnel - Public Outreach DC Clean Rivers Project | DC Water 5000 Overlook Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20032 t (202) 787-4738 f (202) 787-4478 | Email: | FST web page:

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