
Thursday, November 20, 2014

McMillan Parcel 2 and Parcel 3: design being promoted without having submitted a proposal for design for these parcels

See this 11-19-2014 message from a W Street NW resident:

Parcel 2 – Mixed Use Multifamily Building

I think that we need to call people's attention to a greater extent to the fact that VMP is now pushing Parcel 2 and 3 through neighborhood commissions without ever having submitted a proposal for design for these parcels.    I feel that this is an attempt by VMP (yet another one) to push through their interests "under the radar" and get support from ANC5E (who voted in support by the way...don't ask me how they did that without knowing what they were voting for) before people even understand what they are supporting (because there is no proposal from VMP yet).   People should be aware that Parcel 2 and 3 are those parcels that were envisioned for "Stage 2" of McMillan.  On the renderings, they are represented by the "ghosted out" square buildings.
These two parcels represent a major portion of the site and have not been designed or submitted for approval to any commission yet.   They need to be submitted to the same scrutiny as the other parcels---HPRB, Zoning Commission ....etc.    We need to review what is being proposed and there needs to be public input.
Also it's another opportunity for the neighborhood to fight for more innovative development on this site....additional protections for green space, additional protection of historic elements of the site...etc. 
We should not just let VMP run roughshod over the interests of the community and the necessary due process.   


  1. Interesting to note that ANC5E attempted three times to hold an October meeting and could not make quorum. Now, for the November meeting, with Jair Lynch on the agenda (but not as a voting item), quorum is achieved. Three commissioners who have spotty attendance records. were among the eight commissioners present.


  2. How ironic, these renderings show outrageous ugly, massive development, while all the previous graphics,,, studiously distorted the way this garbage really looks. LONG LIVE FONTAINE the PR firm that screwed the nations capitol,,,long live corporate bullying!
    SAVE MCMILLAN PARK,,,bias by omission, for the dc government give away of 25 acres of our public green space to unethical development Conglomerate, EYA, Jair Lynch, Trammel Crow( Visionless McMillan Partners)
    Please see the City Council hearing video below, Brookland residents landscape
    architect Mary Pat Rowan and hisDaninBrookland
    2:04 AM EST
    How ironic, to have the activists from all over the world, and such a nice article, when the Washington Post is shutting out thousands of us in DC, trying to
    SAVE MCMILLAN PARK,,,bias by omission, for the dc government give away of 25 acres of our public green space to unethical development Conglomerate, EYA, Jair Lynch, Trammel Crow( Visionless McMillan Partners)
    Please see the City Council hearing video below, Brookland residents landscape
    architect Mary Pat Rowan and historic restoration artist Daniel Wolkoff
    testify to Muriel Bowser Chair of the City Council Committee on
    Economic Development. February, 11 2014
    testify to Muriel Bowser Chair of the City Council Committee on
    Economic Development. February, 11 2014
