
Saturday, November 15, 2014

package theft on the 100 block of Bryant Street NW

See this 11-14-2014 message from an unhappy resident on the 100 block of Bryant Street NW:

This is to alert neighbors that in the last 2 weeks 3 packages that the post office says they have delivered to my home have been stolen. The latest incident was tonight. I got an alert at 8pm saying my package was delivered. By the time I returned home at 10 pm the package was nowhere to be found. To complicate matters I don't know if its the postman who is at fault because earlier today, when I was home between 3 and 5, he came by and delivered just regular mail- envelopes and such- but did not drop off packages and in my experience typically all mail- envelopes, fliers, catalogs,packages- is left at the same time. Calling the cops is no use. About a month ago a package disappeared, I called the cops and was asked by the person who answered"so what do you want us to do?" I said "Do you not have the means to investigate?" The response was "well yes, we'll call you back." and I'm still waiting. Obviously they do not care.

I am wondering if you or any of my neighbors has the contact information for the Brentwood Post Master., The postman gave me a number to call but then added that no one ever answers the number. I want to file a complaint because some of the neighbors on the block and I have requested that the postman place packages out of sight but they never fail to leave them right out in the open sometimes even on the porch steps. Recently I was out of town and submitted a request to hold my mail for a week. It was ignored. The mail continued to be  delivered during my absence and I lost 2 packages. I am so disgusted. I have had to call several vendors and ask them to reroute shipments at my expense to safe addresses of friends and family.  

Sorry to vent but really steamed right now. Hopefully no other neighbor is experiencing this type of annoyance.


  1. I too had a package stolen last night. I live on Florida Ave. My package was from UPS though so I don't know that it's fair to blame the postal service. With it getting darker earlier now I think thieves are getting bolder. I'll plan to have my packages delivered elsewhere in the future.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had a package stolen or never delivered on 11/12. According to the tracking alert system, it was delivered to my house at 2:00pm in Bloomingdale. I was home by 5:00pm on the same day. I contacted the Ledroit Post Office and they directed me to the following Brentwood office: 202-636-2290. In other words, I will never see my package.

  4. one of our prescriptions was sent by UPS to our house on Adams St NW about a week ago and the thief ripped it open and took it; h/she also ripped open a separate USP parcel and didn't take that (it was a book) and ignored the larger package delivered by Fedex (which has AC covers in it)!. I reported it as a theft to the Police District 5 and they came right away and took a report as it was prescription medicine (worth about $80). These theives are definitely working this neighborhood so report anybody suspicious immediately. You know it's only going to get worse over the Christmas holiday season....
