
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Brookland resident Daniel Wolkoff: Donate to McMillan Park Legal Fund

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:20:49 +0000
Subject: [HistoricWashington] Donate to McMillan Park Legal Fund

Tour the magical spaces of McMillan Park,

and please consider donating to our legal fund to stop the city’s plans
to demolish and sell (giveaway to park:
Please consider contributing to the fundraiser for our community fight for McMillan Park(those strange silos on N. Capitol), give yourself a 25 acre registered historic site/park for Christmas!!!!!!, you already own it!
But on Wednesday Dec. 16 our elected representatives voted in the last 2014 City Council meeting, to give away (surplus and dispose), hush, hush, the last 25 acre publicly owned parkland and green space in Ward 5, in all of DC, to conglomerate national developers , Trammel Crow, EYA  and Jair Lynch. 

Correction, once publicly owned, and completely wasted by same representatives for 28 years, at a cost of somewhere in the range of $25 million and "theft of enjoyment" from our community that cannot be calculated!


Our representatives,after years of concerted avoidance, purposeful deafness, continual admissions of "not being informed", blocking out 7000 petitions, ignoring, 100's of community testimony to City Council hearings, HPRB, Zoning Commission, Mayor's Agent, , all curiously under the Office of Planning and controlled completely by the Mayor (fraudulently elected), our City Council held a single hearing Nov. 12, *again* to ignore and block out dozens more testimony in opposition. All forms of public need and alternative uses for our land, completely ignored.

A City Council joint hearing shared by Bowser Chair of  Economic Development and McDuffie Chair of Government Operations, to get it over with faster, which no members attended other than Chair McDuffie (who exhibited limited knowledge of the issue). They voted in the Committee of the Whole Dec. 2, to move the issue to final vote. That vote took 30 seconds, and was unanimous, with not a single question or statement, from people who talk incessantly. Even Mary Cheh and Chairman Mendelson who pick apart an issue until you are ready to scream, had no questions at all. An extremely controversial  city development, fought for 27 years by the community, worth $2 billion, many more $billions to the private corporations, not a question, 30 seconds to vote approval of the giveaway??

A corporate fleecing, of a 200 plus million dollar property for $30 million, and unlimited obligation that DC will cover for unknown land mitigation and site preparation worth over $70 million. The National Harbor of N. Capitol, for years of construction, "The Monstrosity on Michigan Ave", right on top of a catastrophic infrastructure failure and multi-year mitigation tunnel project for sewage and storm water runoff flooding, 5 miles long and 28 feet in diameter, a subway more or less. Take out the 25 acre parkland, and add tens of thousands of toilets, appliances, commercial,700 condos, and massive medical office towers, only to be outdone by twice as large Armed Forces Retirement Home development across the street, and 40 more in Ward 5, damaging to the public health as well as infrastructure.

Question, what has the Mayor done, or any City Council member, Orange, McDuffie, and Grosso being our neighbors and Kenyan and Bowser with oversight, to inform us of this mega-urbanization and humongous sweet land deal to Vision(less) McMillan 

Jefferson and Madison handed down to us a democracy whose most important function of representatives was to inform the public of what the government was doing, legislate, and keep oversight.

But shockingly, the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, appointed by Gray, has hired a PR firm to "neutralize opposition", influence the media with distorted talking points, and "create the impression of community support for the development", and more divisive and subverting tactics.
The Jamie Fontaine Company was paid $28,000 in DC tax dollars. Then DMPED's M. Jeffrey Miller denied in City Council testimony to Miss Bowser(who did not a thing) Denied! that public funds paid for the PR firm.
Trammel crow hired the Carmen Group, top gun lobbyists, and paid over $200,000 in two years for 5 appointments, Bowser, alexander, Barry, Cheh and Grosso. Grosso, who has suddenly become a giant booster of this anti-environmental monstrous construction, and proponent of sustainable agriculture and open legislative process,LOL.  This was with our money as well, VMP  have been DC paid consultants, so we paid $494.00, each for two phone calls or faxes by Carmen Group to our representatives, look it up at BEGA.
Merry Christmas EYA, Trammel Crow and Jair Lynch, if only you deserved it.  I appreciate your testimony to this generous City Council, thanking all involved, supporters and opponents, and how much you respect us., especially the subversion campaign.

Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture
1231 Randolph St. NE

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