
Thursday, December 04, 2014

DC Water: notice of Saturday work 7am-4pm 1st Street Tunnel project at four locations

Subject: Notice of Saturday Work-7AM-4PM First Street Tunnel Project 
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 02:01:52 +0000
Notice of Saturday Work-7AM-4PM First Street Tunnel Project at Four Locations

Dear DC Water First Street Tunnel Stakeholders,
Please find below an update regarding scheduled work on the First Street Tunnel Project and other important reminders.
  1. DC Water’s First Street Tunnel, Adams and Flagler Construction Staging Areas in Bloomingdale:  Work will continue on Saturday, December 6th and Saturday, December 13th so that we remain on track to finish the emergency water line replacement work by Friday, December 19th. At that time, we will remove all construction equipment from the area of Adams Street outside the established tunnel construction staging area. We plan to restore the disturbed areas; including removing the temporary “No Parking” signs and temporary sound barriers along Adams Street NW. Completing the water line in December will allow us to restore on-street parking spaces for residents, except for the parking impacted by the established CSA.
  1. First and V Streets (CSA):  Work will continue inside the CSA on Saturday, December 6th and Saturday, December 13th. Although the PEPCO high voltage line relocation was completed this week, the First Street Tunnel Contractor, Skanska-Jay Dee (JV), has critical tasks required to keep the project on schedule. The Saturday work will not involve secant pile drill rigs or other heavy equipment. Please be aware that the east sidewalk at First & V Street is now open and will remain open for the foreseeable future.
  1. First and Thomas Streets (CSA): Work will include surveying and pressure testing. There will be a generator on site.  No drilling or heavy equipment operations.
  1. Channing CSA: Construction activities, including rebar installation, utility and shaft work is scheduled for Saturday, December 6th and December 13th.      
Notice of Holiday Schedule
  1. DC Water’s First Street Tunnel Contractor will be finishing up work at noon on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th.
  1. No work will occur at any of the job sites on Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25th;  Friday, December 26th; Saturday, December 27 or Sunday, December 28th. Construction activities will resume on Monday, December 29th.
Friendly Reminder
Please keep in mind that residents with vehicles registered in the District and in the vicinity of Adams Street and Flagler Place, First and V Streets and Thomas Street NW are eligible for a pass to the 24/7 Alternative Parking Areas (APAs) established for the Tunnel Project. The APA Pass includes shuttle van service to and from your home to the APAs. All sites are well lit and secure. With the onset of inclement weather coupled with the movement of construction equipment and vehicles, local residents are encouraged to secure this free-of- charge parking pass.
The pass will be good for the duration of the project (Spring 2016) and provides the holder with an alternative to parking on the street. The W Street APA is now open and space is available there or at our Bryant Street location. The FST APA forms can be picked up at the Bryant Street Guard Station at the corner of Second & W Streets NW. It should be noted that the DC Water 24/7 shuttle van is also dispatched from that location.
Save the Date: The next Tunnel Forum Community Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 7PM at St. George’s Episcopal Church located at 160 U Street NW, Washington, DC. If your schedule allows, please plan to attend. We will be providing construction updates for each location and outlining the topics for future meetings.
In the interim, please free to contact us through the 24/7 Hotline: (844) FST-INFO/ (844) 378-4636 with project questions or concerns. We greatly appreciate your continued support and participation with this important project.
On behalf of the Project Team, best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season,
Tom Lindberg
Tom Lindberg, DCCR First Street Tunnel - Public Outreach | DC Clean Rivers Project | DC Water | 5000 Overlook Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20032 | t (202) 787-4738 | f (202) 787-4478 | Email: | FST web page:

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